September 12, 2007

JCPenney vs. Sears Portrait Studio

I recently was hired at JCPenney. I was thrilled. I went through two weeks of training, which basically consisted of watching boring, old movies. And then I finally started out on the floor. For the most part, I like the people that I work with. I get a great discount. And now, I am finally settling into a routine there. I know what to do, when to do it.... and so on. I am remembering names and starting to feel more comfortable. Also, JCP offers benefits to part time employees. Something you don't find very often. Then... Sears Portrait Studio calls. They want to interview. So I schedule the interview... and it ends up I have to work, so I had to call and re-schedule. So then... I re-schedule for a day that I had class. I wasn't going to call and re-schedule again... they wouldn't hire me because I obviously couldn't manage my time very well. Ends up... I don't have class. I went and no one was there and then remembered that it was canceled. So I drove home... FAST... got changed... FAST.... and drove to the mall... SUPER FAST. I made it on time. And I got hired on the spot. I couldn't believe it. The lady basically told me to give my two weeks at JCP and start at SPS on the 20th. Well... SRS is the type of job that I have always wanted. JCP is just a job. But JCP offers benefits... and I'm not sure that SRS does. Also... JCP lets you go be a teacher and then come back and work summers. So basically, it's a job for life. SPS won't even guarantee a job past the holiday season. So do I take the easy and safe job... or the one I've waited for all my life? Hmmmm...


equippedtofascinate said...

Take the one you've wanted your entire life. Don't settle. you can always try to go back to JCP if you need to. Life's too short to not do what you want and be happy.

The Stormin Mormon said...

I can't answer that without knowing where the $$ is on the two. I know that sounds a bit shallow, but I think that it's actually a big deal.

All of that being equal, I'd take the job at JCP. I know that the SPS job is one that you have wanted for a long time, but it sounds like the JCP job makes more sense.

Stability, Term, Benefits, etc... They aren't a bad company to work for. I have a cousin that has been with them for 7 years now while finishing up school. She's been working on her MBA, and they have been nothing but helpful.

christa said...

thanks for the advise guys. but i think i'm gonna try both for now. and if i have to choose. it will probably be the sears job. why? because it's more fun. and if i don't take it, i'll look back and wonder what if. and i promised myself a couple years ago... no more what ifs.