December 31, 2007

I Can't Find My Heart.....

I got a lot of things for Christmas that I asked for. Among these things, a new jewelry box. My old one just couldn't handle the amount of jewelry I had, so I needed a bigger one. Yesterday, I decided to clean out my old jewelry box. And I found a lot of funny things. A plastic bracelet that I used to wear every day when I was in high school. It came out of a Lucky Charm's box... and I don't even eat cereal... so I'm not sure where I got it. I also found some cherry stems that have been tied into knots.... and yes... it was with someone's tongue... a friend's tongue. There were also some old tickets... concert and show tickets that were from years and years ago. There were tags from clothes that I once thought I was going to return so I needed to save the tags. And in with all these things were four crumpled and badly folded pieces of paper. They were notes.... from an old friend. Okay... an old boyfriend. But they were written with so much love. I had mentioned to this guy that my mom had a note that my dad had written for her when they were in high school and I always wanted one. So half a year later, he remembered, and when he went on a long trip away from home, he wrote to me every day. When he got back and gave all the papers to me... I cried. It meant a lot to me and it was extrememly thoughtfull. I know that I will never be with this person again. But I still can't get rid of the notes. What is my problem? I have NOT read them recently. I'm almost afraid. But I can't throw them away. I think I'm losing my mind.

Also.... I know what you're thinking. With all that junk in the jewelry box, of course she couldn't fit all her jewelry in it. But... even with all of that gone, the old one is still not big enough... and the glass broke on it anyway.


equippedtofascinate said...

Okay, this is my secret, and it isn't normal. Every note that was written to me in 7th and 8th grade, I still have. They're in my closet. I have no use for them at all, but I will never throw them out because they mean a lot to me. I don't really talk to any of the people that wrote them anymore, but I will read through them once every couple of years.

christa said...

awww... thanks. i feel better now.