July 09, 2007

Class Was Boring Today

My PS class was a little on the boring side today. So as I sat there, I started to pick out "the" people. You know what I mean. The pretty girl, the know-it-all... etc. And here's my list.
1. The Pretty Girl - she comes to class wearing almost nothing... seriously, I could see her ass cheeks today. and then she sits there and thinks about God-knows-what the whole dang time. How do I know she's not paying attention at all? Easy... she doesn't even laugh at the good jokes.
2. The Ultra Nerd - okay, so this one is kind of mean. but seriously, this girl is probably in her 20's and she dresses worse than my grandma. ugly ass sandals that she must have inherited because they don't even sell them anymore and stupid freakin shorts that just make her look dumpy. she's sweet and innocent and i bet she was top of her class. good for her. but i kinda want to take her out and get her trashed... just to see.
3. The Know-It-All - This guy is ANNOYING. He comments on everything.... absolutely everything. And then he somehow manages to relate it to the fact that he was in the military. Puh-lease. Thank you for CHOOSING to be in the military. I honestly do appreciate it. But don't bring it up in every conversation you have. I get it already, and we've only had class TWICE. Not to mention his attitude. It's so.... mean. He just looks at you like, "I'm not going to talk to you because I'm better than you..... because I was in the military." Grow up.
4. The Late Comer - and not just seconds late.... 15 - 20 minutes late. Does he seriously not know what time class starts. It is public knowledge! This guy also happens to be the Early Leaver. And in this class, attendance counts... so he's pretty much screwed already.
5. The Infamous Class Clown - this guy stereotypically sits in the very back and contributes to the discussions with jokes. For example... when we were debating lowereing the drinking age, his reasoning was that the bars are already too crowded, why would we want to let more people in?!?!?! A+ for you buddy.
6. The Seat Taker - (extra bad when the class is full, with no empty seats) It is an unwritten rule that where you sit the first day is where you sit forever, unless there is an empty seat that you can move to. simply put, don't take someone else's seat. they get mad and nervous, because now they have to be a seat taker because chances are they do not know where you were sitting on the first day. thanks a lot.
Last but not least.
7. The Moaner (a.k.a. The Agree-er) - This is the person who agrees with everything the professor says, no matter what it is... by making a "mhm" or "ahhhh" sound. This girl happens to sit directly behind me and I can't help but think that someone is under her desk performing sexual favors for her. Ewww.


The Stormin Mormon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Stormin Mormon said...

OK, so Blogger split my comment in half, so I retyped it.

Look out for the "Sexy Girl" while "The Agree-er" is agreeing.

I remember my one summer psych class simply for the late guy. Always the same guy back in the day, and he never made it on time. The prof got pissed, and started locking the door. He dropped the class shortly thereafter.